Act of Kindess Initiative

Do not judge my story by the chapter you walked in on.”  
This is our message we want to share.  Be kind to people because you never know what they are going through.  It only takes a split second to share a smile but to someone that needed it, it can last a lifetime.
The Act of Kindness initiative, established last year at Great Lakes Secondary School by our leadership students, has two main goals:
  1. Implement a meaningful community-wide initiative to spread hope and awareness regarding mental health.

  2. Spread kindness. In other words, let people know they matter; stick up for the underdog; be a voice for those who need it.  Make a difference, by doing something bigger than yourself.
The Act of Kindness proceeds will go directly towards helping local families in need. In past campaigns, we have brought Christmas to families going through a challenging season in life, paid rent for a family facing eviction, surprised countless families with presents, gas or groceries, all to show them they matter.  
You can never know the ripple effect you create with one small gesture of kindness.
Your Part: We are looking for some amazing community partners to help us make our vision a reality. It is our hope that schools, businesses, clubs, teams, organizations, churches, etc., will play an important role in creating hope and positive change in our community. 
Here are a few practical ways you can get involved:
  • Everyone - Buy a shirt. You can even buy a few, and let others know about our community project

  • Schools - Staff and students can join us in raising mental health awareness in your own schools. You can pick a day that everybody wears our shirt and take a group picture.

  • Teams & Clubs - Select an event where the team can wear our shirts to promote mental health awareness, as well as possibly allowing us set up a table to sell the shirts at your event.

  • Businesses & Organizations - Leadership can encourage employees to participate in this cause by buying a shirt, or consider purchasing shirts for all your employees.
Please consider offering us your financial support. We carry a number of expenses to make this initiative happen. 
For more information or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our Great Lakes Leadership teacher, Bradon Burnham. 
You matter.  You are loved.